As we enjoy this wet and dreary Thursday morning let’s look ahead to what the weekend may have in store for the region.


Friday P-Type & MSLP – WeatherBell, LLC

As Thursday’s storm system spins in southern Canada, a mountain effect snow shower or two can’t be ruled out for northern New England.

Further to our west, the lake effect snow machine will turn on and bring 12″+ to a handful of locations.

NWS 2 Day Snowfall Forecast – WeatherBell, LLC

Saturday & Sunday

Both weekend days look mostly sunny with only a few clouds the further north one lives. The weekend will be on the cold side as cold air funnels in behind the departing storm system.

Saturday Afternoon Highs – WeatherBell, LLC

Temperatures will only reach into the low 30s south and low 20s north. But overall, a quiet late February weekend.

Looking Ahead

There is very little opportunity for snowfall in the extended forecast. In fact, the first portion of March looks warm in the temperature department.  I would hate to jinx us, but winter is all but done. In the words of the great Bill Belichick: “We’re on to Spring”.
