Total Storm Snowfall

Total Storm Snowfall

Don’t really have the time for a complete detailed blog so I will give you the short version.  Snow moves in Saturday evening.  Storm really starts to crank after midnight.  Blizzard conditions are possible between midnight and noon on Sunday.

The wind aspect of this system might be the most impressive part.  This storm will likely be the equivalent of a category 2 or 3 hurricane just east of the Cape.  Wind gusts across the region should be near 40-50 mph.  Slightly higher nearing the coast.  Cape Ann and Cape Cod and the Maine coastline could see gusts nearing hurricane force.

This will be a very cold storm with temperatures in the single digits and teens and snowfall will be very difficult to measure due to the combination of fluffy snow with howling winds.

Winds will continue to crank Sunday afternoon after the snow has wound down.  When all is said and done a general 6-12″ has fallen.  Some spots get less; some get more.  Someone on the Maine coastline will get a silly snowfall number.
