I have had one meteorology buddy describe our temperature pattern as a roller coaster ride.  And that is a perfect way to describe it.  Our temps are up and then they are down. The weather is nice and then it is not.  But if you are complaining, you could live in North Dakota were they are still getting multiple inches of snow.

Today’s weather will be marked with overcast skies and a persistant mist.  Eventually as the center of the coastal storm passes closer to us; the mist will turn to a steadier rain in locations, possibly as far west as Worcester.

Wednesday should be decent out ahead of a cold front.  Late evening showers and storms can not be ruled out; especially in Northern New England.  And then as the cold front moves through during the early morning hours a shower is possible in Southern New England.

After the front passes offshore Thursday morning, the weather for the rest of the forecast turns fairly nice.  Temperatures will steadily moderate beginning Friday with highs in the upper 50s; reaching the upper 60s by Sunday and Monday.


Tuesday:  Coastal storm passes offshore.  Rain shield spreads into Eastern New England.  Possibly back as far as Worcester.  Afternoon highs around 45 with northeast winds 10-15 mph.

Wednesday:  Partly cloudy with highs around 60; chance of a late day shower or storm ahead of an advancing cold front.  Winds light and variable.

Thursday:  Cold front passes through during the early morning hours; chance of a shower.  Afternoon highs in the low 60s.  Northwest wind 0-5 mph.

Friday:  Partly cloudy with highs 55-60.  Northwest win 0-5 mph.

Saturday:  Partly cloudy with highs 60-65.

Sunday:  Partly cloudy with highs in the upper 60s.

Monday:  Partly cloudy with highs in the upper 60s.
