As the title of the post implies, we are going to experience our ups and our downs in terms of our forecast for the coming week.  Today we should warm up to near 60, but Thursday and Friday are going to be a far cry from how nice yesterday was.  Yesterday we were on the warm side of the frontal boundary that has stalled near New England.  Tomorrow and Friday we will be on the cool side.  Which is the reasoning for temperatures only in the low 40s.

Here is todays temperature forecast for 5 pm from the NAM model.  Notice how SNE has gotten into the yellow shading representing 60 degree temperatures.



Well for Thursdays temperatures at 5 pm from the same model: Notice how the 60 degree readings have dropped south.  The boundary that is separating warm air (60s+) from cool air (40s) has moved south of SNE.

NAM Thur T

Anytime that you have a boundary across your location, you can expect impulses of energy to travel along that boundary.  That is what we have to the next couple of days.  Beginning tonight with some overnight rain and again Friday.  Thankfully we will be able to rid ourselves of this boundary for the weekend which looks fine, maybe just a little cool.

Early next week looks great.  Especially Monday for the Boston Marathon.  Temperatures look to be right around 60 and dew points should be fairly low.  Making for some pretty decent running conditions.  Like yesterday, next Tuesday looks rather warm.  We shall have to wait and see if the day 7 forecast of highs in the 70s holds on.


Wednesday: Mostly cloudy with highs in the upper 50s to near 60.  Rain moving in during the evening.  Southwest wind 5-10 mph.

Thursday:  Mostly cloudy with showers.  Highs 40-45. Northeast wind 0-5 mph.

Friday:  Rain becomes more steady with some sleet pellets mixed in during the morning.  Highs near 40.  East wind at 10-20.

Saturday:  Partly cloudy with highs 55-60.  West wind 5-10 mph.

Sunday:  Partly cloudy with highs in the low 50s.

Marathon Monday:  Partly cloudy with highs around 60.  Combined with low dew points this will lead to great running conditions for the Marathon participants.

Tuesday: Warm. Highs in the low 70s.
