Weather Forecasts for the New England Region

Monthly Archives: April 2013

Boy I tell ya, what a boring forecast this one is.  How do afternoon highs around 70 with no chance of rain sound?  Awesome right?  Yup!

Except when you have to forecast it.  Sure everyone suddenly loves you for bringing such nice weather, but as the person making the forecast it gets pretty boring.

There is a downside to all this lovely weather we have coming in.  Lots of sun and no water makes for good fire weather.  So please be careful when doing anything; whether it is burning a pile of brush or throwing out a cigarette.  Just know that the fire danger level is “very high” right now.

Other than that I got nothing.  High pressure is in control through at least next weekend.  Hopefully we can get a more interesting pattern in here towards the second week of May as I will heading out to the midwest to go storm chasing on the 16th.

Enough from me, on to the 7 day.


Sunday: Clear sunny skies with highs 65-70.  South wind 0-5 mph.

Monday:  Mostly cloudy with highs in the low 60s.  South wind 5-10 mph.

Tuesday:  Partly cloudy with highs in the upper 60s.  Southeast wind 5-10 mph.

Wednesday:  Mostly sunny with highs 65-70.  East wind 0-5 mph.

Thursday:  Partly cloudy with highs in the low to mid 70s.

Friday:  Mostly sunny with highs in the mid 60s.

Saturday:  Mostly sunny with highs in the low 70s.


I have had one meteorology buddy describe our temperature pattern as a roller coaster ride.  And that is a perfect way to describe it.  Our temps are up and then they are down. The weather is nice and then it is not.  But if you are complaining, you could live in North Dakota were they are still getting multiple inches of snow.

Today’s weather will be marked with overcast skies and a persistant mist.  Eventually as the center of the coastal storm passes closer to us; the mist will turn to a steadier rain in locations, possibly as far west as Worcester.

Wednesday should be decent out ahead of a cold front.  Late evening showers and storms can not be ruled out; especially in Northern New England.  And then as the cold front moves through during the early morning hours a shower is possible in Southern New England.

After the front passes offshore Thursday morning, the weather for the rest of the forecast turns fairly nice.  Temperatures will steadily moderate beginning Friday with highs in the upper 50s; reaching the upper 60s by Sunday and Monday.


Tuesday:  Coastal storm passes offshore.  Rain shield spreads into Eastern New England.  Possibly back as far as Worcester.  Afternoon highs around 45 with northeast winds 10-15 mph.

Wednesday:  Partly cloudy with highs around 60; chance of a late day shower or storm ahead of an advancing cold front.  Winds light and variable.

Thursday:  Cold front passes through during the early morning hours; chance of a shower.  Afternoon highs in the low 60s.  Northwest wind 0-5 mph.

Friday:  Partly cloudy with highs 55-60.  Northwest win 0-5 mph.

Saturday:  Partly cloudy with highs 60-65.

Sunday:  Partly cloudy with highs in the upper 60s.

Monday:  Partly cloudy with highs in the upper 60s.


I’m sorry that I have not updated this recently.  It has been at the back of my mind.  Yes the weather has been lovely and forecasting lovely weather can be a bit boring; but the events at the Marathon on Monday put weather on the back burner for a couple of days.

For the second year in a row, the Boston Athletic Association has asked the students of the Meteorology program here at UMASS Lowell to volunteer their time to take real-time weather observations during the race.  We had students positioned at locations along the raceway, including the finish line.  I am happy to report that our guys made it out ok.  But the fact that such a tragic event such as the bombings occurred at something that we all were involved in has left the members of the department shaken.

Monday was an absolutely perfect day for the Marathon to be held.  Temperatures were hovering around 60 with low relative humidity and barely a breeze to speak of.  It is sad that such a perfect day had to be ruined by such a tragic turn of events.  My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by Monday’s bombings.

Back to the weather though.  Another beautiful day today.  Might just have to keep an eye on some clouds rolling in, that is all.  Tomorrow’s temperatures could work their way up into the low 70s. That should feel lovely.

The storm system that is producing all the severe weather back to our west will eventually make its way our direction.  It will pass through sometime Saturday morning bringing with it showers and downpours and maybe a rumble of thunder.

After that our weather looks fine.  With highs in the 50s Sunday through Wednesday.  The only thing we will have to keep an eye on will be a storm system off the coast during the day on Tuesday.


Thursday: Mostly sunny to start, becoming mostly cloudy.  Highs around 60. South wind 10-15 mph.

Friday: Partly to Mostly cloudy.  Highs in the low 70s. South wind 10-20 mph.

Saturday: Mostly cloudy with highs in the mid 50s. Rain moves in during early morning hours and exits early afternoon. Southwest wind 10-15 mph.

Sunday:  Clear with highs in the low 50s.  Northwest wind 0-5 mph.

Monday:  Clear with highs 50-55.

Tuesday:  Mostly cloudy with highs around 50.  Watching a storm system off the coast.

Wednesday:  Partly cloudy with highs near 60.


As the title of the post implies, we are going to experience our ups and our downs in terms of our forecast for the coming week.  Today we should warm up to near 60, but Thursday and Friday are going to be a far cry from how nice yesterday was.  Yesterday we were on the warm side of the frontal boundary that has stalled near New England.  Tomorrow and Friday we will be on the cool side.  Which is the reasoning for temperatures only in the low 40s.

Here is todays temperature forecast for 5 pm from the NAM model.  Notice how SNE has gotten into the yellow shading representing 60 degree temperatures.



Well for Thursdays temperatures at 5 pm from the same model: Notice how the 60 degree readings have dropped south.  The boundary that is separating warm air (60s+) from cool air (40s) has moved south of SNE.

NAM Thur T

Anytime that you have a boundary across your location, you can expect impulses of energy to travel along that boundary.  That is what we have to the next couple of days.  Beginning tonight with some overnight rain and again Friday.  Thankfully we will be able to rid ourselves of this boundary for the weekend which looks fine, maybe just a little cool.

Early next week looks great.  Especially Monday for the Boston Marathon.  Temperatures look to be right around 60 and dew points should be fairly low.  Making for some pretty decent running conditions.  Like yesterday, next Tuesday looks rather warm.  We shall have to wait and see if the day 7 forecast of highs in the 70s holds on.


Wednesday: Mostly cloudy with highs in the upper 50s to near 60.  Rain moving in during the evening.  Southwest wind 5-10 mph.

Thursday:  Mostly cloudy with showers.  Highs 40-45. Northeast wind 0-5 mph.

Friday:  Rain becomes more steady with some sleet pellets mixed in during the morning.  Highs near 40.  East wind at 10-20.

Saturday:  Partly cloudy with highs 55-60.  West wind 5-10 mph.

Sunday:  Partly cloudy with highs in the low 50s.

Marathon Monday:  Partly cloudy with highs around 60.  Combined with low dew points this will lead to great running conditions for the Marathon participants.

Tuesday: Warm. Highs in the low 70s.


An area of low pressure off the North Carolina coast is going pass us offshore today.  The storm’s rain shield has reached as far north as the Cape Cod canal.  I do not expect it to push any further north.  The rest of New England will experience a pleasant day with highs in the 50s.

A cold front is moving in from the northwest. At this present time it is located through Central Vermont and Eastern New York State.  The front will bring with it the chance of a sprinkle and cooler temperatures.

The forecast for this coming week is a tricky one.  Here’s why:



Notice how the frontal boundary never really gets all that far away from Southern New England.  Which means that depending on which way it drifts and meanders, that will have an effect on our temperatures. Right now the early part of the week looks warm with highs in the 70s possible for Tuesday.

Towards the end of the period conditions will become a little more unsettled as the chance of a shower & possibly some rain pops back into the forecast.

On another weather related note.  Keep an eye out for a severe weather outbreak next week across the Southern Plains and Mississippi valley.


Today: Partly cloudy with highs in the mid to upper 50s.  Northwest wind at 5-10 mph.  Rain along the South Coast.

Saturday:  Mostly sunny with highs around 45.  West wind 5-10 mph.

Sunday:  Partly cloudy with highs 50-55. Southwest wind 15-20 mph.

Monday:  Partly cloudy with highs in the upper 60s.  Winds light and variable.

Tuesday:  Partly cloudy with highs around 70.  Chance of a shower or storm.

Wednesday:  Partly cloudy with highs in the mid 50s.

Thursday:  Mostly cloudy with highs around 50.  Chance of a shower.

Friday:  Mostly cloudy with highs near 60.  Chance of rain.


After some rain last night as a low pressure system moved overhead we will again have a chance of precipitation this afternoon as a cold front drops down from the northwest.  This cold front will pass through the region during the afternoon hours.  With highs reaching to near 60, the cold front will trigger off some showers and possibly a thunderstorm.  So do not be surprised if you hear a rumble of thunder thins afternoon.

In the stronger showers and storms be on the lookout for the chance of hail.  If these storms do produce hail it will not be because they are severe in nature.  It will be because the temperatures aloft in the updraft are cold enough to support frozen water droplets.  When I say aloft I am talking only a couple thousand feet off the surface.  During the summer when our severe thunderstorms produce hail the clouds reach tens of thousands of feet into the atmosphere to reach a level where temperatures support frozen water.  But today they will only have to reach a few thousand feet up.

After today the middle of the week will be pretty quiet as high pressure takes over.  We will be a little cool tomorrow, but temperatures will begin to rebound and we will be back in the 50s by Thursday.  After that we will have to keep a close eye on an ocean storm for Friday.  The question is how will close will it come?  To far away to know for sure, but I will include a chance of rain for the day.

Right now next weekend looks nice with only a chance of a shower during the day on Sunday.


Today:  Partly cloudy with highs in the upper 50s.  Chance of a shower/thunderstorm this afternoon in Eastern New England.  South wind 10-20 mph.

Tuesday:  Partly cloudy with highs 40-45.  West wind 15-20 mph.

Wednesday:  Mostly clear with highs around 45.  West wind 10-15 mph.

Thursday:  Mostly clear with highs in the low 50s.  Southwest wind 5-10 mph.

Friday:  Keeping an eye on an ocean storm.  Will call for mostly cloudy with a chance of rain.  Highs around 50.

Saturday:  Partly cloudy with highs 50-55.

Sunday:  Chance of a shower with highs 50-55.
