Unfortunately Winter is not over yet!  We have another storm coming for Tuesday.  A storm system is going to track towards the Great Lakes, bringing Blizzard conditions to parts of the Northern Plains.  As this system reaches the Great Lakes and begins to die a new storm center will take shape very near to Long Island.  This storm center will then track over Southeastern Massachusetts and into the Gulf of Maine.

So what can we expect?  Everyone should start as snow.  Snow will move in during the very early hours of Tuesday morning.  As the storm gets closer and the sun comes out, most everyone will see a change to sleet, ice, freezing rain, and eventually plain old rain.  This transition will occur from south to north.  Meaning that places like Worcester and Northern Mass will stay as snow longer than a place like Providence or Boston.   Which means that snow totals will increase from south to north.

Places such as the Worcester Hills and anyone north of Massachusetts will likely stay all snow.  This is going to be a strong storm, so those locals that remain all snow should be looking at a foot plus easy.   In Southern New England totals will vary greatly and are all dependent on how long one stays as snow.  Places south of the Mass Pike could be looking at a 2-4 inch type event.  Place north of it more like a 4-8 inch type.  And again those higher elevation locals that stay as snow 12″+.

I’m am holding off on a snow map for now (look for one tomorrow) as this is a difficult set-up to forecast and is all dependent on the final track of the storm center and timing of precipitation.  While I am confident in everything I just told you; there is still enough uncertainty (and the fact that it is mid-March) that I will hold the snow map until tomorrow.

As a side note I am rooting for rain.  That’s right rain.  Winter had her fun it is now time for golf!
