So the best way for me to illustrate to you what is going on today is well… illustrate it.  So I drew this map.

The current position of the Cold Front, determined by satellite images is depicted above in the blue.

The area outlined by GREEN are the locations that hold the potential for thunderstorm activity to initiate within the next couple of hours.

The area outlined by RED are the locations that have the potential for thunderstorms later on the afternoon as the Cold Front drops south.

The area outlined by PURPLE are the locations that I feel have the best chance at seeing strong to severe storms.  My reasoning for this is such:  These locations will have sufficient day time heating.  They currently hold the highest CAPE values.  And they also have the best lapse rates.  But please don’t get me wrong, I believe that any location outlined on the map has a chance, I just like those counties outlined by purple better.


Today’s main threat is going to be damaging winds.  But with all severe thunderstorms, damaging hail and an isolated tornado are always possible.

Throughout the afternoon I will be here posting updates of the days events.  You can also follow me on Twitter @Chrisrotary12
