Yes the main reason for me creating this page was to create a place where I can publish my forecasts and to create an archive so that I will be able to review them in the future, but another big reason for me creating this page was so that I could create what I call my “Computer Guidance” page.  (Found here)  What it is is a page with a total of 102 computer links(guaranteed to increase) to various websites that all contribute something useful to either: making a forecast, analyzing the current conditions or looking back upon past events.  Amazingly all 102 websites do serve a purpose(some serving many) and are all very useful and handy to use.

The reason for creating this page was simple: I wanted to give everyone an opportunity to find and utilize the many sources that I find useful when looking at and forecasting the weather.  And my bookmarks tab couldn’t handle the volume of links that I was trying to save to it.

So for those of you reading who have no idea what any of the links possibly mean, and that is the majority of you, here are a few of the ones that I find simple and easy to use:

Southern New England Current Temperature Map  Great for seeing what current temperatures are like around Southern New England

Continental United States Wind Map   Basically just because it is cool to look at.  But really what it does is give me an insight into where the surface features are located across the U.S.

College of Dupage Satellite and Radar Page My favorite site for viewing Satellite and Radar images and loops.  Just follow the link, click on “1 km products”, choose visible or radar, then click the site you want to view. (click the one in southern Vermont)  Then if you want to view a loop, at the top of the image are “visible image” and “radar mosaic”.  Hover your mouse over them and a drop down box will appear, then simply choose how long of a loop you want to see.

Hydrometeorological Prediction Center Not my favorite site, but it is definitely the most user friendly.  A simple way to look at and understand what is going on with our national weather.  Simply click on which of the thumbnails you want to view and I’m sure you can figure it out from there.

After that, all of the links in some form or another are either a forecasting tool or a tool to analyze past events.  Eventually I will go into further detail on what each link is useful for.  Just need to figure out what is the best way to do that as there are so many of them.
